A Managing e-Learning Journey

Thursday, 16 July 2015


New adventures into the world of blogging…


My name is Mia Webster. I am currently in my 3rd year at University studying to become a primary school teacher. This is my second career. In my first career, I was a successful senior manager in the Information Technology (IT) industry. 

The transition from one career to another has been very rewarding, but very challenging. The journey has challenged me to think and interact in a completely different way. Transitioning after working for 20 years in a male dominant industry into the world of Education has forced me to view the world in a very different way. What was once important is no longer. The importance of improving margins and the bottom line has dissipated and is now superseded with the most important aspects in Education, which is ensuring student success with all students. 

Not only that, but the skills and knowledge required to develop has forced me to review my thoughts and beliefs of the world in which I live. I now have gained a new perspective of life though studying the BLM program at CQ University.  

So here I am, starting all over again embarking on this spectacular journey in teaching. I have also developed a passion in the Visual Arts. I thoroughly enjoy expressing myself through art and I always push my boundaries. These art experiences have cultivated my imagination, risk-taking and enhanced my creativity. Below is a sample of one my art works. 

Throughout my working career in IT, I’ve always been creative, innovative and thought ‘outside of the box’. These qualities will be utilised to allow me to be very successful in my career as a teacher and as a change advocate in the education system.

Here I am venturing into the world of blogging for the first time. I’m a little daunted of the idea of expressing my thoughts and ideas into the internet world. Hopefully, I would be able to draw upon my IT skills during the learning journey of the Managing e-Learning course. 

Back in the day, this would have been unheard of. If you think about it, a little over 22 years ago there were computers without hard drives. No windows operating system to speak of, but DOS. Most of you younglings would not have even heard of DOS! No internet and certainly no way easy way of sharing of information. 

Who would have thought of using your phone as a camera, or the spectacular graphics in computer games, and the Apps on mobile which you can use as a business or educational tool? If you had told my 20 something year old sense of the technologies available today, I would have not believed you.

Over the course of my IT career, I had the privileged to witness the development of technology. Things I thought was impossible have become possible. At the time the progress seemed slow, but looking back over a 20 year span the progress is outstanding! 

For me change is exciting and to be embraced. If you want to be part of the incredibly fast development on this world, be open to change and don’t be afraid of it!


  1. Great start Mia. I'm sure you'll find the skills you bring from your previous career will come in handy.

  2. This is great Mia! I loved reading your first blog about your learning journey.
